In our JGUM Management & Digitale Transformation study by Constantin Lichti, Endrit Ademi and Andranik Tumasjan, we analyze 115 million Bitcoin-related tweets from 2009 to 2022 to answer this question.
Influencer Types: We have identified eight types of influencers within the Bitcoin Twitter sphere, encompassing a diverse array of individuals who speak and write about Bitcoin with significant influence, including those who voice critical perspectives:
- Bitcoin Maximalist: …holds Bitcoin as the gold standard.
- Crypto All-Star: held in high regard in the crypto community.
- Millionaire Magnet: ...attracts millions of followers.
- Engagement Guru: ...has a talent for convincing the audience.
- Bitcoin Conversationalist: ...frequently talks about Bitcoin.
- Persistent Pundit: ...has a long history with Bitcoin.
- Incognito Influencer: ...remains anonymous.
- Confrontational Conversationalist: ...consistently voices skepticism about Bitcoin.
Our detailed infographic provides further facts and figures:
English infographic
German infographic
Our findings will be presented at the 57. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).